E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


vol. 5, Nr 3 (17) 2014

Publ. 30.11.2014

Vibrations and Noisiness of Asynchronous Motors - Validation of New Hypotheses

s. 32-54 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2014.17.03


The article presents a new look at the vibration of the frame and end-shields of asynchronous motors with electromagnetic excitations. The investigations of mode and operational deflection shapes of frame and end-shield have been discussed. The cause-effect relationships between the vibration of end-shields, rolling and slide bearings have been analysed. It has been shown that the deflection shapes of the vibrating end-shields in the axial direction can be largely due to the electromagnetic forces rather than bearing operation and an emission of the noise come from the end-shields and the frame is similar to


asynchronous motor, vibrations, acoustic noise, frame, end-shield



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