E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 14, nr 2 (52) 2023

Publ. 30.10.2023

Analysis of the Impact of Selected Design Changes on the Cogging Torque of a Commutator Motor with Permanent Magnets


s. 110-124 DOI:


The paper presents an analysis of the impact of selected changes in the construction of a motor with a commutator and permanent magnets in the stator on the value of the cogging torque. The influence of the number of grooves, the arrangement of the magnets, the width of the air gap and the direction of magnetization were examined. Calculations were made on the basis of prepared field models in the FEMM 4.2 program. For the analyzed cases, the distribution of magnetic induction, the distribution of flux lines and the distribution of induction in the gap were determined.



cogging torque, permanent magnets, FEM




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