E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
Vol. 14, nr 2 (52) 2023
Wykorzystanie neuronowej metody sterowania podobciążeniowym przełącznikiem zaczepów do poprawy warunków napięciowych w sieciach nn z generacją rozproszoną
The article deals with the issue of the phenomenon of voltage increase in distribution networks with a large share of photovoltaic prosumer installations. In the simulations for the exemplary low-voltage network, selected measures to prevent overvoltages were compared. An original method of controlling the transformers on-load tap changer based on an artificial neural network was also proposed. By using the proposed method, it is possible to make the operation of the tap changer dependent on the voltage conditions deep in the network, i.e. in nodes where problems with voltage increases occur.
prosumer installations, photovoltaics, voltage control
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