E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
vol. 12, nr 1 (43) 2021
Control Process Modelling of Thermodynamic Systems Containing a Thermal Energy Storage Tank
Oktawia DOLNA, Robert MATYSKO, Weronika WISNIEWSKA
The article content constitutes the answer to a growing interest of a heat-flow processes automatisation applied into detached houses heating sector. The paper contains a brief description of a usage of the PID and fuzzy controllers. The methods of the controller’s setting selections (e.g. Ziegler-Nichols method), which are alternative to the classical ones, have been also presented within the paper. The optimization of the controllers’ settings for the executive systems of a thermodynamic cycle is also available in the paper. It was carried out based on the minimum heat flux increase time in the condenser unit of a heat storage tank. For this purpose the Simplex NelderaMeada algorithm was used. In the article, the results of the changeable work of the thermal energy storage tank have also been presented. The analysis was carried out in the Matlab Simulink environment
control proces modeling, thermodynamic systems, energy storage tank
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