E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 2, Nr 4 (6) 2011

Publ. 30.12.2011

Power and compensation in systems with nonsinusoidal voltages and currents. Part 5: Reactance balancing of three-phase three-wire system with sinusoidal voltages and currents.

s. 51-57 DOI:


Currents Physical Components (CPC)-Power Theory describes power properties of three-phase, three-wire systems in terms of three, mutually orthogonal currents: the active, reactive and unbalanced current. Unfortunately, only one of them, the active current, contributes to permanent flow of energy from the supply source to the load. The remaining two currents, the reactive current and the unbalanced current, are not only useless, but even harmful. Their presence contributes to an increase in the cost of energy delivery and degrades the supply quality of the distribution system. These currents can be reduced to some degree in the process of the system design, by balancing loads supplied from individual phases, and by adjusting the power of electrical motors to power of mechanical loads. When such measures are not sufficient, a balancing compensator can be installed. This paper presents fundamentals of the reactive and unbalanced currents compensation by means of reactance balancing compensators. Such compensation makes possible not only reduction of the supply current rms value, but also symmetrization of the supply current, which usually contributes to the reduction of the supply voltage asymmetry, thus to the supply quality improvement.


Power Theory, reactance balancing compensators



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