E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 13, nr 3 (49) 2022

Publ. 31.03.2023

Cause of Damage to the Windings of the 6 kV 500 kW Motors Installed at the Water Intake Pumping Station



s. 20-33 DOI: DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2022.49.02


The article presents a measurement study of the causes of damage to medium-power and medium-voltage motors used to drive water intake pumps for the city. The user of the pumping station used a low-voltage frequency converter to regulate the pump output, which was powered by a 6/0.4 kV transformer. The voltage behind the converter was increased via a 0.4/6 kV transformer and powered the pump motors via cable lines. Within 2 years from the implementation of converter the insulation of the winding front connections have been damaged in 3 motors. It appears that the permissible instantaneous voltage was almost twice exceeded.



pumping station, motors, frequency converter, overvoltages, winding damage



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