E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
Vol. 7, Nr 4(26) 2016
kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna, ocena zgodności, instalacje stacjonarne, profesjonalna praktyka inżynierska
Henryk BORYN
The new EMC Directive (2014/30 / EC) recognizes the fixed installations as a special purpose equipment and provide for them the appropriate conformity assessment procedure. The basis for evaluation are essential requirements of general and specific kind. The records in the documentation and the good engineering practice are indicated to demonstrate compliance. It is proposed a method to demonstrate and document that the fixed installation meets the essential requirements.
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), conformity assessment, fixed installations, good engineering practice
[1]. Council Directive 89/336/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States referring to the electromagnetic compatibility (Journal of Laws. L 139, 23.5.1989, p.19).
[2]. The directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2004/108/WE of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the legislation of the Member States with reference to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing the directive 89/336/EEC. The Official Journal EU L 390 of 31.12.2004.
[3]. The directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/30/EU of 26 February 2014, on the harmonisation of legislation of the Member States with reference to electromagnetic compatibility. the Official Journal EU L 96/79 of 29.3.2014.
[4]. The Act of 13 April 2007 on electromagnetic compatibility. Journal of Laws from 2007 No., 82 item 556 as amended – consolidated text published in Journal of Laws 2016, item 1258.
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