E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


vol. 11, nr 4 (42) 2020

Publ. 30.12.2020

Kompensacja reaktancyjna odbiornika liniowego w układach trójfazowych czteroprzewodowych zasilanych napięciem sinusoidalnym asymetrycznym w myśl teorii składowych fizycznych prądu (część 2)

Zbigniew SOLJAN

s. 52-64 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2020.42.03


Four-wire systems are the most common ones in everyday life. Electrical installations within the home, office, or industrial plant are mostly four-wire installations. Receivers connected to such a system are mainly single-phase loads, which from the power connection are an unbalanced three-phase load. Besides, the load imbalance, the supply voltage also has some asymmetry. Voltage asymmetry, load imbalanced, design of reactance compensators are issues that were not simultaneously included in the power equation in fourwire systems. This article presents the mathematical fundamentals of the construction of reactance  compensators operating in voltage asymmetry


power theory, asymmetrical supply, reactive compensation



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